‘TWICE,’ Mark Ferrari’s FREE illustrated online serial continues!
Visit the TWICE website to check out the Prologue and all previous episodes to date. You can subscribe for FREE HERE.
Living Worlds App now available for iPhone & Android!
Twelve of Mark’s popular color-cycling animated landscapes are now available, with original 24-hour features restored and functioning, for iPhone & Android devices! Check it out!
Upcoming Rochi Card Game
Enjoy more of Mark’s art in this fabulous upcoming card game inspired by Sonia Lyris’s SEER series. Take a look!
Find Mark Ferrari’s ‘8-bitish’ background art in Ron Gilbert’s latest BLOCKBUSTER retro-point-and-click adventure game. Learn more here!
Explore Mark’s recent art and writing:
With so many new projects in the works, there is always new imagery and writing projects to discover.
And, of course…
Mark’s older work is still archived here for your enjoyment. But with new projects coming all the time, we hope you’ll be back soon to see what’s next!